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Published: Oct 9, 2020 Updated: Feb 20, 2024
Published: Oct 9, 2020 Updated: Feb 20, 2024

Graham Pollard

Lead Researcher for the Business Development Team with a wealth of knowledge having joined the family business in 1985.

How to transform dead cost packaging into an investment

Is your packaging spend too high? Many people feel they spend too much money on packaging. It can be an uninspiring purchase – repetitive consignments of boring bland material! Yet if they tried doing without it, customers would not be pleased!

It’s likely that you could save money on your packaging. New materials and innovations are becoming available at an increasing rate. But – and here’s the punchline: your packaging could literally pay you handsomely too!

Your product’s packaging can increase sales

Packaging is often the last message the consumer sees before deciding which to buy. Your last opportunity to convince them to choose your product – not your competitor’s!

Also, your product’s packaging can be the first physical contact that the consumer has with your brand. This creates a unique opportunity to convey powerful first impressions to your customer base.

Packaging is a crucial touchpoint where you can reinforce your brand image, add real marketing value, and contribute to the holistic shopping experiences of your customers.

What does your current packaging say about your product? Does it employ maximum persuasion? Is it fit to challenge – and beat- all of your competition, each time a consumer makes their final choice?

And is it tailored to gain you the best results in EVERY one of your markets?

It can be! While saving – and earning – money for you.

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PET (1) and HDPE (2) are widely accepted in household recycling waste. Soft/flexible LDPE (4) products like carrier bags can be taken to supermarkets. Remember that recycling facilities differ between councils, so check with your local authority to see what you can put in your home recycling bin.



PET or PETE. Polyethylene terephthalate e.g. soft drink bottles, fruit punnets.



HDPE. High-density polyethylene e.g. milk bottles, shampoo bottles



PVC. Polyvinyl chloride e.g. window frames, shower curtains, toys.



LDPE. Low-density polyethylene e.g. carrier bags, rings/yokes for multipacks of cans.



PP. Polypropylene e.g. bottle caps, margarine tubs, carrier bags.



PS. Polystyrene e.g. takeaway cups and containers, yoghurt pots.


